Thursday, April 11, 2024


Creating conditions of success:
1) It is not someone else's responsibility to create the conditions for your success.
2) You don't need to worry about progressing slowly. You need to worry about climbing the wrong mountain.

Dealing with naysayers/foes:
What your foes do derives its significance or consequence from the way you react. Therefore, rush through or past them as though they were yellow and not red lights. Don't linger on them mentally or verbally; don't pride yourself on forgiving or forgetting them — worse come to worse, do the forgetting first.


"'Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart, then that creation is given a soul.' "

Papa beti in talibn

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Find your internal music - even if you think only you hear it

Society will seldom confirm our intuition until it's mainstreamed already.

 For this reason, if you try to look outside of yourself for confirmation of what you know to be true for you, you'll almost always get backlash and differing opinions on what next steps you should take. Avoid looking externally for answers. Follow your gut instinct, your inner wisdom, and the universe/God.When you do this, you will begin to see miracles occur in your life that you never could have expected or even dreamed of. 
Those who have the faith and courage to do this will discover the true joy, peace, and love they have been looking for while enjoying the miracle of life.

~ Joseph Nguyen


Monday, April 8, 2024

i love self admiring yooki a lot

"In some creation myths the God is portrayed as a father, in others, as a mother. When God is a father,he is said to be elsewhere. When God is a mother, she is said to be everywhere."

"'Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart, then that creation is given a soul.' "