Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Happiness increases productivity by 30 percent

Dear yooki-

Happiness is in the lens with which you see the world.
Evolution wise we are programmed to see threats and negatives as part of evolving in a jungle but you can rewire yourself by giving 2 mins to yourself every morning

Every morning (has to be done min 21 days in a row to rewire your brain)

- write 3 positive things you are grateful for- gradually ur brain will scan environment for positivity
- journal about one positive experience u had in past 24 hrs
- exercise - it releases endorphins
- meditate for 5 mins min (solves / prevents adhd)
- say one good thing to someone.
- find your tribe or gradually start making a circle of friends

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I was researching films with mermaids

And discovered the lure by agnieszka smoczyƄska. Yooki please see the film but also see the making - the depth of wisdom, the amount of hardwork and desire for perfection she brought to the table.