Saturday, September 30, 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Stories like these - a real high-tech fable

"Let us stick to the issue at claw and return to the unimaginable danger facing the earth" - from liu cixen's extremely high tech fable "Of dinosaurs and Ants."

First breakfast outing with mummy

We had so much fun!! First the juice came and looks like you love pineapple juice ..then ofcourse the chocolate crossaint, then granola with fresh fruits and then the scrambled eggs ..

I was full and how..
You have started walking and talk so much !

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

5 important advice from mommy to yooki

1) Don't sleepwalk through the life - make every hour count - work every hour actively for your goals or happiness.

2) Live life without fear -Fear tries to lie to you. It gives you wrong advice. It ruins your day by filling it with worries. Believe in yourself more than you believe in any random person. Point of maximum danger is point of minimum fear - infact its bliss as at that point one is growing. Best things in life lie on the other side of fear.

3) Stop complaining -  Realize how awesome life is even without what you are getting. Realize that you are blessed to be having these worries than fundamental worries of survival.

4) Know your destination - Destination is more motivating and long lasting than the route ..destination needs to be clear and needs to be more sweeping - like I want the world to be more happy with my movies.

5) Enjoy Life  - you came to this world not to just to work but also to enjoy life find time for that.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Aaron Sorkin master class and other tips on dialogue

Dialogues should be like music - cadence, tone, volume. Rhythm.
It is not written like people talk but it is imitated the way people talk
But at the same time don't make them sound like they are on TV or play
First think of the dialogue - walk - think through the whole thing..Thinking while walking helps direst your thoughts. First think, make notes. Think again You know when you will be ready to write.
After writing -add idiosyncrasies , add nuances, false starts, remove extra bits of info

After writing read it out loud and see if it works..enact..never repeat an info.

Also for comedy - make people read it at 1.5 pace.

It should be faster and audience should feel like leaning in to understand what you are writing. Analyze the dialogues of first scene of a movie called social network.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

A small step for man, a big leap for woman kind

Today I signed a 3 film deal with myself.


Thank you Meghna and thank you all the people who believe in me.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Putting personal detail in every scene

I think in a good film - every scene prob should have LCD - laughter cry or drama but it should also have a P - a unique personal detail.
It could be anything - a man using an Asthama machine or eating a tic tac toe, or a child walking in father's shoe, or henna colour in hair but you need to add these personal details... and you need to revisit every prop - colour of ink on the paper - or brand of the pen- don't make it generic - make it specific ...
btw today you went to a mela

Bubble fun and meeting Akira didi

Saturday, September 9, 2017