Saturday, June 24, 2023

Isn't it amazing Poem 1

Isn't it amazing that the Sun the Golden
Also isn't amazing that everything is fun in life.

Isn't it amazing that there are two types of buns (eatable bun and the tying bun)
Also isn't it amazing that there are so many mums

Isn't it amazing that rainbows are Real!

First poem

Poem 3

You And I 
Are Mouana and Maui 
You and I and swimming and swinging
When I am deep in the sea

You come to me 
Like a walking fairy

When you are lost in thoughts 
I goto you like a running girl.

Let the world say everything is hard
I would bring you a drawing if you were sad.

From the poetry prompt on internet)

Yuvishka Poem 2

Should I have a 
lemony pemmy cement temey wehemey yookitey walkety lookity 
Bookety Black Tea. 


"'Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart, then that creation is given a soul.' "

Poem 3

I see I see I see 
A flower which has powers,
A bird which says a word

I see I see I see
A tree which is talking to the breeze
A house which is talking to the clouds

I see I see I see
An auto, a bus, a car and a truck

And I see I see I see
A unicorn having a corn


"'Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart, then that creation is given a soul.' "

Poem of Yooki

I see I see I see 
A flower which has powers,
A bird which says a word

I see I see I see
A tree which is talking to the breeze
A house which is talking to the clouds

I see I see I see
An auto, a bus, a car and a truck

And I see I see I see
A unicorn having a corn


"'Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart, then that creation is given a soul.' "

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Your sis juno

Is being operated and you decided to sit outside for her for the whole 4 hrs in mumbai heat.

I am the proudest mother in the world today.