Sunday, July 23, 2017

This is a good bunch of pics

All you learn in your school

"To be is to do"

I think I told you about mother toddler class. Btw last week you fell in class and cut your lips and started bleeding. You cried a lot and then I nursed you so after that you were playful. There was a bruise hat lasted for another day but now you are fine.
As nani said - zindagi kicek chot kam ho gayee hai.

Also below is a picture of my folder :) hope you decorate our folders well too ...

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Finding you ikigai - the thing that you wake up for

So read this beautiful soulful article about finding life's purpose and thought of sharing it with you.

Also today went to see another film alone. The prev was baby driver and I really reco it. This was "war of the planet of the apes". It dragged a bit but starting was good.
Have finished my script but just worried about a 5 page scene in the beginning. Let's see. These days you sleep off on your papa's chest as he plays Mozart.
It's been raining so much and whole house has been leaking. I keep going to a tea shop to go and work and kinda love thesaffron tea there while nani babysits you.

There was a nice thing I heard :
What is patriotism but the love of food one had has a child. - Lin Yutang

Ikigai (pronounced ichigai) is Japanese, and it means something like "purpose in life", or "thing that you live for", or "thing that gets you out of bed in the morning".

People who live 100 years have these things in common:

They have a "moai", he said: a small group of friends, six or so, who throughout life support each other as a family would.

They live by the dictum of "hara hachi bu", which entails eating only until you are 80 per cent full.
They live off "a plant-based diet, full of vegetables with lots of colour in them.

And they all have an ikigai"