Thursday, October 3, 2024

Recipes - cucumber soup and ramen (from michelen star chef)

### Ingredients:

- 1 medium onion, finely sliced

- 1 tablespoon butter

- 1 tablespoon olive oil

- 1 teaspoon garlic paste

- 1 medium cucumber, chopped

- A handful of fresh mint leaves, chopped

- 1 dessert spoon (approx. 10g) maida (all-purpose flour)

- 2 vegetable soup cubes

- 2 cups warm water

- Salt and pepper to taste

### Instructions:

1. *Sauté the Onions*: In a pan, melt the butter and olive oil together over medium heat. Add the finely sliced onions and sauté until they turn pink and soft.


2. *Add Garlic*: Stir in the garlic paste and cook for another minute until fragrant.

3. *Mix in Cucumber and Mint*: Add the chopped cucumber and mint leaves to the pan. Stir and cook for 2-3 minutes, ensuring the cucumber is well combined with the onions and garlic.

4. *Add Maida*: Sprinkle the maida over the mixture and cook for about a minute, stirring continuously. This will help thicken the soup later.

5. *Add Water and Soup Cubes*: Pour in the warm water and add the vegetable soup cubes. Stir to dissolve the cubes and let the mixture simmer on low heat.

6. *Cook Until Soft*: Continue to simmer until the cucumber is cooked through (about 10-12 minutes).

7. *Season and Cool*: Turn off the heat, then adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper. Allow the soup to cool completely.

8. *Blend*: Once cooled, blend the soup until smooth. You can reheat it before serving if desired.

This should give you a smooth and flavorful cucumber-mint soup.


Boil baingan and shiitake mushrooms spring onion stalk  for half hour In a litre of water. Strain it. Then add light soy, Japanese rice vinegar and honey and 1/2 teaspoon of umami gochencheung. Then turn of after boiling hot and put freshly cut veggies and don’t cook and put noodles too. Let them cook In heat. Add lemon and salt. Thank me later

Half baigan in slipper shape

He also said you can braise the remaining strained veggies to crisp with sesame oil.

button mushroom brocooli, red yellow bell peppers green onions

For broth base:

Get Shitake and coral mushrooms

For broth base - use normal mushrooms, big brinjals cut like slippers, slice of ginger, handful of lemongrass and head of spring onion. Broth needs to be 2.5 ltrs, Add cold pressed sesame oil.

Once boiling add Japanese soy and rice vinegar

Then strain in boiling water and add julienne veggies - dont boil veggies - they will cook in hot broth


Two heaped table spoons of all these ingredients in a shaker

1. Peanut butter

2. tahini

3. Lemon

4. Honey

5. Fresh Ginger, garlic and green chillies crushed coarse

6. A packet full of coconut milk whipped into all this

7. Salt

And then add subtract whatever flavour you want more or less. Just whip everything nicely amd keep on fridge and pour on cold noodles and veggies and stalk

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