Monday, April 26, 2021

Inner Transformation is important. Also your own vow and conviction

Some notes:

power of inner life >>> power of external circumstances

We inherently possess the power to transform our life. Each moment has the power to make a cause - make a transformative change.

We need to have profound conviction in cause and effect over fatalism and determinism. When we get anxious because of circumstances - we need to make a vow - 

fundamentally - lead all the people into enlightenment 

Like space becomes room by constructing beams and columns, vow gives your mindspace a meaning and purpose.

Darkness in people's life begins to function as a devilish force. Amidst all that remember - your vow should be shaken.

Perseverance is very important - rigorous resolve to work for the happiness of others. Changing the world involves changing fundamental state of mind. 

Living with an active vow is the key of transforming what we do.

When facing difficult situations and esp difficult people know the  Diff between emotional and compassionate. Only way to counter disrespect with respect. When you bow at the mirror, even the mirror bows back.



"'Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart, then that creation is given a soul.' "

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Strong people have these 3 things going for them



"'Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart, then that creation is given a soul.' "

Lockdown 2.0

Mummy yooki